O Quinto dos Infernos!

Posted: 18 de out. de 2011 by Unknown in

Um pouco de história pra ajudar entender a passividade diante dos "quinto dos infernos"...
o pior é que não dá para rir...

O "QUINTO DOS INFERNOS": Durante o século 18, o Brasil Colônia pagava um alto tributo para seu  colonizador, Portugal.
Esse tributo incidia sobre tudo o que fosse produzido em nosso país e
 correspondia a 20% (ou seja, 1/5) da  produção. Essa taxação altíssima e absurda era chamada de "O Quinto".
Esse imposto recaía principalmente sobre a nossa produção de ouro.

O "Quinto" era tão odiado pelos brasileiros, que, quando se referiam a ele, diziam ...
"O  Quinto dos Infernos".
E isso virou sinônimo de tudo que é ruim.

A Coroa Portuguesa quis, em determinado momento, cobrar os "quintos  atrasados" de uma única vez, no episódio conhecido como "Derrama".
Isso revoltou a população, gerando o incidente chamado de "Inconfidência Mineira", que teve seu ponto culminante na prisão e  julgamento de Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, o Tiradentes.

De acordo com o Instituto Brasileiro de Planejamento Tributário IBPT,  a carga tributária brasileira deverá chegar ao final do ano de 2010 a 38% ou praticamente 2/5 (dois quintos) de nossa produção.

Ou seja, a carga tributária que nos aflige é praticamente o dobro daquela exigida por Portugal à época da Inconfidência Mineira, o que  significa que pagamos hoje literalmente "dois quintos dos infernos" de impostos...

Para que?
Para sustentar a corrupção?? os mensaleiros?? o Senado com  sua legião de "diretores", a festa das passagens, o bacanal  (literalmente) com o dinheiro público, as comissões e jetons, a farra  familiar nos 3 poderes (executivo/legislativo e judiciário).

Nosso dinheiro é confiscado no dobro do valor do "quinto dos infernos"  para sustentar essa corja, que nos custa (já feitas as atualizações) o  dobro do que custava toda a Corte Portuguesa.

E pensar que Tiradentes foi enforcado porque se insurgiu contra a  metade dos impostos que pagamos atualmente!
(E vem de novo a CPMF!!! vamos permitir????)                      E-mail Anonimo

The Right Doors Open

Posted: 17 de out. de 2011 by Unknown in

You try one door after another, yet no one responds to your résumé. No university accepts your application. No doctor has a solution for your illness. No buyers look at your house.

Obstacles pack your path. Road, barricaded. Doorway, padlocked. Do you know the frustration of a blocked door?

God uses closed doors to advance his cause.

He closed the womb of a young Sarah so he could display his power to the elderly one.

He shut the palace door on Moses the prince so he could open shackles through Moses the liberator.

He marched Daniel out of Jerusalem so he could use Daniel in Babylon.

And Jesus. Yes, even Jesus knew the challenge of a blocked door. When he requested a path that bypassed the cross, God said no. He said no to Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane so he could say yes to us at the gates of heaven.

It’s not that our plans are bad but that God’s plans are better.

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord.

“And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.
 For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
 so my ways are higher than your ways
 and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” (Isa. 55:8–9 NLT)

Your blocked door doesn’t mean God doesn’t love you. Quite the opposite. It’s proof that he does.
It’s not that our plans are bad but that God’s plans are better.
“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord.
“And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.
For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so my ways are higher than your ways
and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” (Isa. 55:8–9 NLT)
Your blocked door doesn’t mean God doesn’t love you. Quite the opposite. It’s proof that he does.

                                                                                                                                               Max Lucado

All Things Work for Good

Posted: 16 de out. de 2011 by Unknown in

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
We know…There are so many things we do not know. We do not know if the economy will dip or if our team will win. We do not know what our spouse is thinking or how our kids will turn out. We don’t even know “what we ought to pray” (Rom. 8:26). But according to Paul, we can be absolutely certain about four things. We know…

1. God works. He is busy behind the scenes, above the fray, within the fury. He hasn’t checked out or moved on. He is ceaseless and tireless. He never stops working.

2. God works for the good. Not for our comfort or pleasure or entertainment, but for our ultimate good. Since he is the ultimate good, would we expect anything less?

3. God works for the good of those who love him. Behold the benefit of loving God! Make his story your story, and your story takes on a happy ending. Guaranteed. Being the author of our salvation, he writes a salvation theme into our biography.

God's Story, Your Story4. God works in all things. Panta, in Greek. Like “panoramic” or “panacea” or “pandemic.”All-inclusive. God works, not through a few things or through the good things, best things, or easy things. But in “all things” God works.
Puppet in the hands of fortune or fate? Not you. You are in the hands of a living, loving God. Random collection of disconnected short stories? Far from it. Your life is a crafted narrative written by a good God, who is working toward your supreme good